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Why CO2 'Air Capture' Could Be Key to Slowing Global Warming
by Richard Schiffman - 05/23/16 For two decades, Klaus Lackner has pioneered efforts to combat climate change by pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Now, after years of watching the global community fail to bring greenhouse gas emissions under control, Lackner...
The Suddenly Urgent Quest to Remove Carbon Dioxide from the Air
by Chris Mooney - 2/26/2016 Dr. Klaus Lackner with his team’s rooftop prototype on Feb. 9 at Arizona State University’s School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment in Tempe, Ariz. (Caitlin O’Hara for the Washington Post.) Tempe, AZ — From the...
Scots transport giant hopes to avoid a stink with 'poo bus.'
03/15/2015 A SCOTS transport operator is to introduce a bus which runs on human and household waste, goes into regular service later this month. Powered by biomethane gas, the Bio-Bus, which has been dubbed the 'poo bus' will use waste from more than 32,000 households...
Konecranes Eyes Middle East Waste to Energy Expansion
by Ben Messenger - 10/27/2016 Finnish lifting equipment specialist, Konecranes, has introduced a range of lifting and material handling technologies specifically designed for waste to-energy and biomass applications in the Middle East. According to the company the...
Can Major US Cities Reach 'Zero Waste' Without Waste-to-Energy?
by Cole Rosengren - 10/26/16 Even if a city can reach a "zero waste-to-landfill" goal, there will always be some waste left. Depending on whom you talk to, waste-to-energy facilities are either a part of that problem or a solution to it. Despite ongoing growth in Asia...
How Much Food Are You Wasting?
From the Denver Magazine. Click the attachment to read more!
Big Chunk Of California's Recycling Centers Close Down
More than a fifth of California’s recycling redemption centers have closed in the last year, stripping consumers of easy access to recycling and limiting their ability to collect the deposits they made when purchasing bottles and cans. More closures may follow, as the...
CalRecycle food waste prevention grant program workshop
CalRecycle webinar info. As you know, we were successful in getting $40 million for CalRecycle’s Waste Diversion project. Head’s up that CalRecycle has 2 workshops coming up to discuss the cap and trade grant criteria if you...
Desert farm grows 180,000 tomato plants using only sun and seawater
No soil, no pesticides, no fossil fuels, and no groundwater. And yet, a thriving farm in the heart of the arid Australian desert. How is this possible? An international team of scientists has spent the last six years fine-tuning a system that pipes seawater in from...
Why Chicago Is Becoming The Country’s Urban Farming Capitol
When you walk into Farmed Here’s 90,000-square-foot warehouse in Bedford Park, a sleepy industrial outpost about 15 miles southwest of Chicago, you might not immediately register that you're standing in the second coming of the locavore movement. But then you get...
This Danish Farmer Converted 2,000 Acres to Organic Farmland
Hovmand-Simonsen is committed to “helping consumers learn to taste again and to appreciate the difference in flavors” as well as providing healthy food farmed with love. The inspiration behind her philosophy in farming came at a very young age. “When I turned 14 years...
How To Start Your Own Compost
Here in San Francisco, residents are given a free bin to collect compost materials. This is in an effort to eliminate all waste in landfills. Tara explains how you can make your own compost bin right in your backyard! Learn more about the Stuff to Blow Your Mind...
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