The Global Compost Project
A collaborative effort to promote the use of compost worldwide
Join in via our Hum Sum platform
What Drives Us
Our Goals
- Promote the sorting, collection, and use of compostables,
- Encourage commercial compost production and spreading,
- Restore healthy, carbon-rich soils around the world,
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and impact climate change by having landfills free of compostables.
Tools & Resources
Here you can find information, guides, ongoing activities and other articles of interest on composting globally.
Government & Policy
Research Papers
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Inspired in 5
Above and beyond
Enter various contests and make winning contributions toward eco-education, innovation and outreach.
Watch The Global Compost Story
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About GCP Team
The Global Compost Project is a collaboration of international scientists, experts, and enthusiasts for healthy soils, compostables waste stream diversion, carbon farming, optimal grazing, carbon credits… and more.
You can also become a member (free) and register as your organization or as an individual to upload useful documents, charts, videos, images, job postings, equipment ads… it’s all free and open source.
Help these low-tech, affordable, beneficial climate solutions by making composting information more accessible everywhere.
Next, please browse our pledge, resources
History & Achievements
From the beginning and onward, notable achievements and milestones made along the way.
Global Compost Project

Bob Shaffer

Dan Noble
Executive Director

Debbie Raphael
SF Environment Director

Diana Fuller
Roxie Theater, Board of Directors (Chair)
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This project is being absorbed by The Hum Sum network in order to better consolidate global resources.