Matter of Trust

Join Eco-Enthusiasts for

Renewable Resources


Donating hair, fur, fleece...?Booking a Field Trip, Tour…?

Matter of Trust

Join Eco-Enthusiasts for

Renewable Resources

Donating hair, fur, fleece...?Booking a Field Trip, Tour…?

Matter of Trust

Join Eco-Enthusiasts for

Renewable Resources

Donating hair, fur, fleece...?Booking a Field Trip, Tour…?

– – Huge congratulations to Rhiannon Johnston for winning First Prize with her Matter of Trust Documentary, “Hair Matters”!

What Drives Us

Our Mission, Vision & Goals

Our mission is to link surplus with needs.

We envision humanity harmonizing with Earth. 

Our goal is to encourage optimism and trust in nature’s abundant cycles.

Mother Nature is a catalyst and always in balance
Did you know?

LINKING surplus with needs diverts useful items and materials from the waste stream, plus creates jobs in logistics & repairs.

You shampoo because HAIR collects oil.  Help us gather clippings from salons and pet groomers. We felt fibers into mats that soak up oil spills.

COMPOSTING grazed rangelands boosts photosynthesis, pulling more carbon out of the air and returning it back into the soil.

Our Programs

We have 5 major program departments:

(1) Hair Matters is our global hair-mats-for-oil-spills project where we felt waste fibers into mats that soak up petrochemicals.

(2) Our Eco-Industrial Hub with model factory and exhibit hall is in the SoMa district of San Francisco. Visitors are also welcome at our nearby showcase

(3) Eco-Home, with urban edible garden. These places provide immersive tours and field trips.

(4) The Hum Sum – for Humanity Adding Solutions is our environmental social media platform, where everyone can share planet-friendly posts and research.

(5) Eco-Academy – Our Youth Eco-Education Programs include our green career internships & apprenticeships. 

Our Programs That Are Trending

Hair Matters Program

Greendependence Day

Tour the Eco-Hub

Welcome to the Eco-Hub!


Daily, we see so many people working together towards a harmonious  future. We created The Hum Sum – Humanity Adding Solutions for nonprofits, businesses, governments, schools, households, and curious individuals… Everyone is welcome to join this environmental network and post questions, answers, events, commitments, free stuff, wishes and more!


Check out our extensive and growing library full of inspirational news stories on green-innovations. Plus, all of our own open source, in-house research, educational tools and lesson plans. Focusing on pollution reduction and ecological inventions, we incorporate the perspectives and incentives from everywhere possible. Local to global, multi-sector, boots on the ground to behind a desk, up and down the ladder, mailroom to drawing board to boardroom, youth to senior… enjoy discovering how caring and adaptable humanity truly is!


Check out our extensive and growing library full of inspirational news stories on green-innovations. Plus, all of our own open source, in-house research, educational tools and lesson plans. Focusing on pollution reduction and ecological inventions, we incorporate the perspectives and incentives from everywhere possible. Local to global, multi-sector, boots on the ground to behind a desk, up and down the ladder, mailroom to drawing board to boardroom, youth to senior… enjoy discovering how caring and adaptable humanity truly is!

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Facebook Posts

7 days ago

Matter of Trust
Silver Lab Composting ResearchMatter of Trust is proud to be one of the sponsors of this program and Dr. Whendee Silver’s important work.The food system accounts for more than one third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural land use and waste combined are the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the food system. The Silver Lab is working to minimize emissions from agriculture and the waste stream by determining the carbon and greenhouse gas dynamics of composting urban and agricultural waste and studying the carbon sequestration potential of applying compost to grassland and cropland.Learn about this project aiming to measure composting’s effect on carbon #silverlab #thehumsum #matteroftrust ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Matter of Trust
Presidio Trust: Hair Mat Trials in Grasslands RestorationMatter of Trust is proud to be partnered with the Presidio Trust for the Hair Mulch Trials in this Grassland Restoration Project The use of mulching materials for restoration can be important for increasing success of seeding and transplanting, but retaining soil moisture, protecting seeds, and providing additional nutrients. The opportunity to try a new mulch material- hair mats – is exciting for Presidio grassland restoration. A rigorous experiment is necessary for establishing the effectiveness of the new mulching material.The main goal is test if the hair mat material increases the successful establishment of perennial grasses in the bare soil created by construction activities. Both seeding and transplanting of grasses will be tested. Because perennial grasses take at least two years to truly establish, the second-year monitoring is included in this #presidiotrust ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Matter of Trust
Happy 4th of July. Come visit our eco home Greendependence Open House 728 Cole st San Francisco. Our model Eco Home and enchanting urban edible garden showcase planet-friendly solutions for renters.Most existing residential information is for homeowners and green building construction, leaving out renters. Our Eco-Home focuses on accessible, convenient, and cost-friendly ideas for urban tenants.Everyone can enjoy all the goodness a greener life has to offer. #MatterOfTrust #ecohome ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Matter of Trust
Do you want to make hair mats?We are setting up satellite partnerships around the world, in order to reduce the carbon footprint of everyone generously sending fiber to us in California. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to joining forces! On this page you will find many of the resources you need to get started. First, browse the page below, check out our FAQ page and then we’d love to set up a Zoom / phone call to discuss the project, please email us for availability. #HairMats ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Matter of Trust
Compost & Food Research & Pilot ProjectsOur goal here is to promote food security and to divert waste into resources. Surplus edible items and ingredients can be sorted and distributed to those in need. Compostable materials can be separated from recyclables in order to reduce landfill off-gassing and to produce carbon rich #globalcompost ... See MoreSee Less
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