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Why Chicago Is Becoming The Country’s Urban Farming Capitol
When you walk into Farmed Here’s 90,000-square-foot warehouse in Bedford Park, a sleepy industrial outpost about 15 miles southwest of Chicago, you might not immediately register that you're standing in the second coming of the locavore movement. But then you get...
This Danish Farmer Converted 2,000 Acres to Organic Farmland
Hovmand-Simonsen is committed to “helping consumers learn to taste again and to appreciate the difference in flavors” as well as providing healthy food farmed with love. The inspiration behind her philosophy in farming came at a very young age. “When I turned 14 years...
How To Start Your Own Compost
Here in San Francisco, residents are given a free bin to collect compost materials. This is in an effort to eliminate all waste in landfills. Tara explains how you can make your own compost bin right in your backyard! Learn more about the Stuff to Blow Your Mind...
How Food and Forestry Are Adapting to a Changing Climate
Across the country, farmers, ranchers and forest landowners have experienced a slow but steady uptick in their operational risks, due in part to a variety of impacts from a changing climate. Growing seasons in the Midwest, a region that includes my home state...
QUIZ: Recycle, compost or trash?
Recycling companies are facing a big challenge -- while helping sustainability efforts, they’re losing money. One of the big problems is there is too much trash in the pile contaminating what could be good, reusable material. It makes it tougher for workers to sort it...
Answer to California drought may be just under our feet (Guest commentary)
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and ex-presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina said recently that environmentalists were the cause of water problems in California because they had blocked the creation of more dams in the state. She was quickly raked over the coals by...
Science Has Found a Brilliant New Use for Your Kitchen Scraps
When John Wick and his wife, Peggy Rathmann, bought their 540-acre ranch in 1998, it was in bad shape. Located in California's Marin County, a windswept region northwest of San Francisco Bay, the land had been worn down by overgrazing; the grass was gone and the soil...
One-Third of Food Is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done
From our farms to grocery stores to dinner tables, 30 percent of the food we grow is never eaten. We can do better. By Elizabeth Royte, National Geographic PUBLISHED OCTOBER 13, 2014 Spills, spoilage, table scraps, and other losses from the typical American family...
How Reducing Food Waste Could Ease Climate Change
Producing the food we throw away generates more greenhouse gases than most entire countries do. By Roff Smith, for National Geographic PUBLISHED THU JAN 22 21:05:00 EST 2015 Workers harvest celery in Greenfield, California. The energy that goes into the production,...
How ‘Ugly’ Fruits and Vegetables Can Help Solve World Hunger
About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste, often because of its looks. That’s enough to feed two billion people. Every year some six billion pounds of U.S. fruits and vegetables go unharvested or unsold, often for aesthetic reasons. By Elizabeth Royte...
Symbol Mania: Green Product Certifications you need to know!
Ever been confused by the growing number of green labels you see posted on your food, clothing, or kitchen appliances? With the demand for environmentally friendly products increasing from consumers by the day, there are a myriad of green product certification symbols...
France Paves The Way- new law forbids food waste by supermarkets
Ever wonder what happens to unsold food at your favorite supermarket? Unfortunately, it usually gets tossed in the trash. However, there is still hope to be had; a newly passed French law has something big to say about diverting supermarket food waste, and it's worth...
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