News At A Glance
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France Paves The Way- new law forbids food waste by supermarkets
Ever wonder what happens to unsold food at your favorite supermarket? Unfortunately, it usually gets tossed in the trash. However, there is still hope to be had; a newly passed French law has something big to say about diverting supermarket food waste, and it's worth...
Look to Milwaukee, WI, for socially responsible & sustainably produced BEER!
The recent 6th Annual Good Food Awards- which took place right here in San Francisco- recognized the partnership of Milwaukee's Lakefront Brewery as well as Milwaukee's Growing Power, to create locally-sourced, sustainably-produced beer- a product that consumers can...
Growing Power- promoting healthy affordable food to diverse communites
Growing power is a non-profit organization that does amazing work; they provide hands on training, on-the-ground demonstration, outreach and technical assistance for people from diverse backgrounds who want equal access to affordable, healthy food. Growing power has...
Refusing to Waste- teach a Zero Waste Lifestyle!
Jacquelyn Ottman is a name you should know. A native New Yorker, she advises big companies such as Nike, Kraft, and Toyota on how to market "environmentally sound products to customers". But she also holds local workshops for New Yorkers to glean information about how...
Veolia Research & Innovation 2015
Soil Carbon Pools in California's Annual Grassland Ecosystems
Impacts of organic matter amendments on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in grassland soils
Effects of organic matter amendments on net primary productivity and greenhouse gas emissions in annual grasslands
Long-term impacts of manure amendments on carbon and greenhouse gas dynamics of rangelands
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Opportunities in California Agriculture – Review of Emissions and Mitigation Potential of Animal Manure Management and Land Application of Manure
A Lifecycle Model to Evaluate Carbon Sequestration Potential and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics of Managed Grasslands
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Opportunities In California Agriculture – Review of California Rangeland Emissions and Mitigation Potential
Government & Policy
Research Papers
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