LINDEN, Michigan — When residents get their hair cut at Serendipity Day Spa this month, their scraps of hair will be traveling a lot farther than the trash can. The salon is sending customers’ hair trimmings to the Gulf of Mexico to help clean up a massive oil spill...
A local salon is turning trash into treasure. The Walter-Todd Salon in North Park accumulates a pound of hair a day. These typically trashed clippings are now finding a new life, serving as mini-warriors in the fight against oil spill in the Gulf. “You know, I felt...
* Homemade booms developed after 1989 Exxon Valdez spill * Hair, pantyhose are weapons in fight against oil slick * They act as sponge, absorbing and trapping spilled crude (Repeating to delete repeated lines) By Kelli Dugan MOBILE, Ala., May 6 While a vast...
The connection between dog grooming and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill might seem, at first blush, a tenuous one at best — but thanks to a charity called Matter of Trust, the two seemingly incongruous things are linked in a great way. The San Francisco-based...
STORY HIGHLIGHTS Your hair and pet’s fur is needed to help clean Gulf oil spill The hair and fur is stuffed into nylon stockings which become booms The oil clings to the hair booms and mats which are then removed from water Matter of Trust is coordinating...