Social gatherings at which volunteers learn how to construct homemade oil-defense booms. Hair and pantyhose are being shipped to the Gulf Coast to help defend the coastline against oil spilling from the Deepwater Horizon rig, Sarah Wheaton reported in The Times: At...
Can human hair and pantyhose save the Gulf? Well, no, it can’t. The oil slickspreading from a damaged drilling rig off the coast of Louisiana is already too massive for any quick fix, no matter how well intended. But the environmental calamity has inspired a...
Workers in the Gulf of Mexico are using oil containment booms to sop up oil and protect coastlines from the approaching slick. Commercial booms are usually made of plastic. But an alternative source for the booms is found on the floor of salons across the country. As...
Ms. Gautier’s ‘Hair Mats’ Hit Production Snag; Donated Manes Languish in the Dining Room SAN FRANCISCO — The recession has left Lisa Gautier with an abundance of hair — 18,000 pounds, to be exact. She didn’t grow it herself. Mrs....
Ah, stuff. We need it, we want it, we love it. Until we hate it, get bored with it, or wear it out (unless you’re a hoarder and you just keep everything). Sure, some of it winds up in the green bin or goes to Goodwill. But chances are, you’re sending a lot...