Hemp car made by FORD

On August 14, 1941, at the 15th Annual Dearborn Michigan Homecoming Day celebration, Henry Ford unveiled his biological car. Seventy percent of the body of the cream-colored automobile consisted of a mat of long and short fibers from field straw, cotton linters, hemp,...

A new trash-to-energy plant planned for Arizona

On Monday Abengoa said it plans to build a $110 million factory in Glendale that will turn city garbage into electricity. Chicago-based power company Vieste Energy will own the planned factory, and Abengoa will build it and run it for 30 years. Construction will take...

The Amazing Solar Kettle

Contemporary  Energy’s Solar Kettle uses the sun’s rays to boil water on the go. The  lightweight thermos-like device is perfect for camping or picnics, allowing users to make hot  beverages or sterilize water without electricity. Using fold out reflectors, it ...

A flat-pack OX truck for the developing world

  The OX would be shipped in pieces, packed six to a standard shipping container (which hold only two standard trucks, Norman says). The vehicle then emerges, Transformer-like, from a box formed by its own trailer area. Assembly is an involved process by Ikea...

Are these ‘the most efficient vehicles on the planet’?

The brainchild of Rob Cotter, a refugee from the automotive industry, Organic Transit’s inaugural offering is the tear-shaped ELF: a tricycle built with a 45 percent recycled aluminum frame and equipped with a weatherproof 80 percent recycled composite shell, an...