Public Domain Unsplash Households are responsible for 40 percent of the food that goes to waste in the U.S. every year. That leaves a lot of room for improvement. You probably know the feeling — that terrible guilt when you dump an entire bunch of...
Inyenyeri Rwanda Clean Stove partnership Matter of Trust has partnered with Inyenyeri, a fuel-utility company that provides clean cookstoves in Rwanda. Clean stove technology is an urgent environmental challenge. Every year, more than four million people around the...
Agroforestry Program Trees grown on farmland provide a range of benefits and values to landowners and the community. Well planned tree plantings can increase farm profits by improving crop and animal growth and providing additional income from wood sales. Trees on...
Shaving a longtime beard can be a total buzzkill. But when it came time for Scott Boback to get rid of the facial hair that took 20 months to grow, he made the most of it by donating it to a good cause. DICKINSONCOLLEGE Scott Boback pictured with his beard. ...
RESEARCHERS AT NASA’S MARSHALL SPACE Flight Center in Huntsville are testing an Alabama hairdresser’s hair-raising technique of using human hair to soak up oil spills. This could lead to a number of applications, including reducing landfill waste, saving...
What happens when a lake dries up entirely? In the case of the Lake Poopo in Bolivia, the Andean nation’s formerly second largest after the famed Titicaca, the answer is nothing short of devastation. The saltwater Lake Poopo was located in the Bolivian altiplano...