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FILM – Greater Good Food Film Festival – 2013

Films showing at our Eco-Center Wed., Oct. 9 – Ingredients - an exploration of the growing local food movement --- showing how partnerships between local farms and the communities they serve can lead to healthy sustainable food supplies. Preceded at 5:45 by locally...

ECO-CENTER – Matter of Trust Eco-Center 2013 — 2016

Matter of Trust is proud to have had an Eco-Center in San Francisco! Located in the vibrant Mission District neighborhood with a mix of cultures, long-time San Francisco established and new trendy shops and restaurants as well as homes and apartments. The center was...

FESTIVAL – Earth Day SF – 2012–2015

Matter of Trust participated in 2011--2015 Civic Center and 22nd Street Earth Day San Francisco celebrations providing youth activities, eco-art exhibits, and installations for the 2011--2015 events. Earth Day San Francisco 2011 - School of Fish Awareness Art Earth...

FILM – The Fuel Film – Documentary 2007– 2009

2009 ACADEMY AWARDS QUALIFIED AND WINNER OF 2008 AUDIENCE AWARD AT SUNDANCE   Matter of Trust was the fiscal sponsor for Josh Tickell's Veggie from 2003 to 2009 when it received its own public charity status. Josh knows oil and how it is the lifeblood of...