Composting – how to
Tools & Resources
Guide to Apartment and Condo Composting
Composting is a popular green technique that gardeners use to enrich the soil of their flowers and vegetable gardens. Because it contains banana peels, eggshells, and other types of garbage, it is often done outdoors in one's yard. This can be a problem for people who...
How to get started with composting
Learn the basics to composting — it’s easier than you think! Composting helps shrink our landfills, and the results are great for your garden and the planet. The trick is to know your “greens” from your “browns” and how to layer them properly to help the pile...
Food Composting
Nearly half of the solid waste produced globally is organic or biodegradable. Much of it ends up in landfills; there, it decomposes in the absence of oxygen and produces the greenhouse gas methane, which is up to 34 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over a...
Compost Use in Agriculture
Use of composted manures and plant materials in farming has a history almost as long as farming itself. California farmers enjoy access to high-quality compost and mulch products from a variety of feedstocks virtually everywhere in the state. California compost...
How To Start Your Own Compost
Here in San Francisco, residents are given a free bin to collect compost materials. This is in an effort to eliminate all waste in landfills. Tara explains how you can make your own compost bin right in your backyard! Learn more about the Stuff to Blow Your Mind...
Home Composting Guide – Enriching Soil and Local Environmental Health
More people are composting today, both for the environment and their own benefit. However, even if the neighbors are doing it, starting out with composting can still seem daunting at first. How do we turn leftovers into nutrient rich soil? What method is the best for...
Assembly Bill No. 1045 CHAPTER 596 Organic Waste : Composting
Assembly Bill No. 1045 CHAPTER 596 An act to add and repeal Sections 42649.87 and 43032 to the Public Resources Code, relating to solid waste. [ Approved by Governor October 08, 2015. Filed with Secretary of State October 08, 2015. ] ...
Please get in touch with us for your Composting needs
With the ever-increasing population and consumerism, waste is mounting at exponential rates. The huge quantity of waste that is generated and then dumped, leads to both environmental and health hazards. Current garbage generation in India is 0.2 to 0.6 kilograms of...
Composting Video- in Mandarin
Looking for an informational video in Mandarin about (backyard) composting? Look no further!
Super Easy, 3 Minute "How-To" Composting Vid, from Enviromom
Here at the Global Compost Project resources page, we have a lot of information about composting! From specific composting tips for city dwellers, to the ins and outs of the carbon cycle, to kid friendly composting ideas, we've got enough to entertain! However, if you...
Kid Friendly Composting & Recycling Animated Videos with Peppa Pig
Knowing what bin to throw your waste in can be a little confusing, even difficult, for 'young environmentalists' who are first learning the ins and outs of the sorting business. Luckily, parents have Peppa pig to help their kid better understand how and what to...
Hands On Urban Composting Workshop- SF
Always wanted to compost but need a little direction? Garden for the Environment, located on Lawton street in San Francisco, offers just that; a free, hands on class that teaches methods for backyard and worm composting for home and community gardens. "Come learn...
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