NOOZHAWK – BizHawk: Mother and Daughter Reunite After 25 Years & Take Over Popular Coast Village Road Salon
Hair stylist Jennifer Palocsay tracked down her birth mother, Cindy Brokaw, to find out that she too was a stylist in California CONTINUE READING... NoozHawk, Jun 15th, 2017 ...
MENTAL FLOSS – 6 Creative Recycling Efforts From Around the Globe
Recycling isn't—and shouldn’t be—limited to separating plastic cartons, junk mail, and tin cans for the garbage collector. This Earth Day, think outside the plastic bin, and brainstorm creative ways to convert or re-purpose old, discarded, or unexpected materials into...
THE HINDU – Hair Can Be Used to Clean Up Oil Spills – Interview with Lisa Craig Gautier
by Murali N. Krishnaswamy Lisa Craig Gautier, talks about the use of human hair in oil spill management., an ecological public charity established in 1998, concentrates on finding uses for naturally abundant renewable resources. It also runs the...
NBC BAY AREA – Nonprofit Using Surplus Hair To Help Clean Up Oil Spills Hopes New Facility In San Francisco Will Be Model For Others
By Garvin Thomas Watch the video here: Spend enough time in San Francisco and you begin to think...
HUFFINGTON POST – Guy Donated His Hipster Beard To Help Soak Up Future Oil Spills
Shaving a longtime beard can be a total buzzkill. But when it came time for Scott Boback to get rid of the facial hair that took 20 months to grow, he made the most of it by donating it to a good cause. DICKINSONCOLLEGE Scott Boback pictured with his beard. ...
AJC – Pet fur & packing peanuts? 7 things you didn’t know you could recycle!
If there’s any downside to recycling, it’s this: Many of the ideas feel, well, pretty recycled by now. Newspapers, cans and bottles, your Dad’s “classic” joke as he’s about to carve the Thanksgiving turkey … Who among us isn’t totally familiar with the...
CHARITYRUMOR – Your Hair Can Save the Planet Because of Its Oil Collecting Properties
Man-made surplus and renewable resources are turned into ecologically-sound, oil-absorbing products Posted on February 25, 2016 in Charity Spotlight // 0 Comments Non-toxic Hair Mats soak up oil and provide a natural and effective alternative to traditional man-made...
Organic Authority – Dogs Donate Fur for Oil Spill
Dogs around the world are giving the hair off their backs to help clean up one of the worst oil spills in history. Groomers have gathered the hair trimmings from their doggie salon floors, as individuals collect the fur that their dogs are shedding, all sending it...
BBC UK – From food to fashion, the thriving market in human hair
The trade in human hair is a growing - and very lucrative - market, with a new film by US comedian Chris Rock looking at the industry. But what can human hair be used for? CONTINUE READING... BBC UK, Jun 24th, 2010 ...
CSR Wire – Hooters Girls Donate Their Pantyhose to Create Booms and Absorb Up to 1 Million Gallons of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico
/PRNewswire/ -- Hooters Girls from all over the country will be voluntarily donating their torn pantyhose in an effort to help absorb the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico. The laundered pantyhose are used to make booms which are stuffed with hair, fur and fleece to...