Matter of Trust has partnered with Music Team SF in San Francisco, California. This organization is also seeking gently used instruments of all kinds for the children in their after-school inner city youth orchestra program. Music Team SF is founded on the El Sistema...
Matter of Trust is the fiscal sponsor for Orchards International Projects, run by Doug Franco (James Franco’s Father). Doug coordinates with many logistics partners to get goods such as rice and clothing to children in Kabul. Thanks to Doug and his team, we also...
Peace of Mind Kits Peace of Mind Kits is our ecological complement to a “Preparedness Kit.” There are a lot of ways to reduce waste (batteries, plastic water bottles) including the expired conventional disaster relief components. For example, canned foods are better...
Matter of Trust partnered with the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse (EBDCR) to help victims of the October 2010 flooding in Pakistan. Through our program Excess Access and the community collected parkas and sleeping bags to send to those affected. Linda Levitsky (in...
Matter of Trust is the fiscal sponsor for Veggie, whose founder, Josh Tickell, is from Louisiana. After the hurricane struck, thanks to the coordinating efforts of Josh and many volunteers, biodiesel providers got fuel to supply boats and diesel trucks when...
Matter of Trust was the fiscal sponsor for Anne Galjour’s benefit performance for the play “Hurricane,” which draws inspiration from the peculiarities of daily life in Louisiana’s Cajun community. Shawn Rosenmoss coordinated the grassroots...