THE WILDEST – Wait, Before You Toss All That Pet Hair—Donate It

Have you ever looked at a fur ball that accumulated after giving your pet a nice brush and wondered, “Could this help reduce oil pollution?” Yeah, neither have we, but Lisa Gautier, founder and president of Matter of Trust, sure has.  CONTINUE READING…  ...

Hair Matters – A Film by Rhiannon Johnston

2024 Hearst National Multimedia Championship – First Prize Matter of Trust, founded by Lisa Gautier, is a nonprofit focused on environmental sustainability by linking surplus materials with needs. Their Hair Matters program collects hair, fur, and wool fibers to...

BGR – Human hair may be the key to cleaning up deadly oil spills

What if the key to cleaning up deadly oil spills in the ocean was right there on your head? According to Matter of Trust, a non-profit organization started by Lisa and Patrice Gautier, it is. They say human hair acts as a natural oil spill cleanup tool that’s...