NDCEE – Sustainable Management of Operational Waste Streams

National Defense Center for Energy & Environment (NDCEE) ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & ENERGY PROJECTS NDCEE advances technologies by performing demonstration, validating, and transitioning technologies for military application at DoD...

Fox News – LI student recycles hair to protect the planet

Our hair can now do more than help us look good. A high school student on Long Island is using the trimmings from haircuts to help save the planet. FOX 5 NY’s Jodi Goldberg explains how the locks are being turned into a product that keeps harmful chemicals from...

THE HINDU – Best Out of Waste

India is one of the largest economies in the world today, fuelled by a wave of start-ups and entrepreneurship. However, many still believe that business is solely about making a profit. They often overlook the fact that entrepreneurship is a broad spectrum, including...

THE WILDEST – Wait, Before You Toss All That Pet Hair—Donate It

Have you ever looked at a fur ball that accumulated after giving your pet a nice brush and wondered, “Could this help reduce oil pollution?” Yeah, neither have we, but Lisa Gautier, founder and president of Matter of Trust, sure has.  CONTINUE READING…  ...