Looking for a Green Revolution in technology, methods and materials to revamp your farm or garden soil? ‘Terra Char is committed to transform agriculture by guiding farmers to adopt modern biological, carbon-smart methods of soil regeneration, fertility...
The Green Carbon Pathway A simple, universal method to sequester carbon & reverse climate change www.terra-char.com/greencarbon.html how plant photosynthesis pumps Carbon into soil a short animated powerpoint slide show’ Plants catch Carbon from air to convert to...
It would appear that in the midst of mainstream climate change discussions, little is said about the soil and agricultural practices that can be utilized to provide solutions to the problem. This TED talk, given by Mr. Tony Lovell, speaks to the idea of putting Carbon...
Always wanted to compost but need a little direction? Garden for the Environment, located on Lawton street in San Francisco, offers just that; a free, hands on class that teaches methods for backyard and worm composting for home and community gardens. “Come...
Want to know more about Carbon and greenhouse gases, but only have 1 minute and 30 seconds? You are in luck! Check out this super quick, entertaining, and informational video that gives a good overview of Carbon and the green house effect. Video link...
Food waste is collected in more than 100 American communities. When will Santa Cruz County get on board? There they stand, proffering fistfuls of carrot peels, zucchini tops and kale stems, scanning the kitchen in bewilderment. “Where’s the compost bin?” Any Santa...