A letter from Jason Mraz: Soil needs our help. Seriously. My name is Jason Mraz. I am a Grammy-winning recording artist, and a lover of Soil. That’s right — rich, dark, alive, soil. I’ve even written songs about it. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we need...
The law, as written, is one of the most stringent attempts to cut the amount of edible but unbecoming produce tossed out every day. As of July 2016, large supermarkets in France — those approximately 4,300 square feet and larger — will face fines of up to $82,000 for...
We know that the world needs a healthier environment and every one of us is needed to participate in the solution. Zero Waste Flash Mobs are our way of inspiring people to work together in creating that environment. Zero Waste Flash Mobs pump positive, human...