Our Film Contestants!
Tools & Resources
CalRecycle food waste prevention grant program workshop
CalRecycle webinar info. https://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/Broadcast/ As you know, we were successful in getting $40 million for CalRecycle’s Waste Diversion project. Head’s up that CalRecycle has 2 workshops coming up to discuss the cap and trade grant criteria if you...
How To Start a Worm Farm in 4 Steps- Film Contestant
Take a look at Nick Hunter's video (submission from Australia) which was a Global Compost Project Contest Winner How To Start a Worm Farm in 4 Steps: Vermiculture Made Easy!
Say Love With Compost- Film Contestant
Ruby Robertson- Say Love With Compost Film Submission- Australia
Life In the Compost Heap- Film Contestant Selection
Page Pete's "Life in the Compost Heap" United Kingdom
Initiative for the Production of Compost- Film Submission
Go Viral Category Winner; Di Fabrizio Leonardo Initiative for the Production of Compost Italy
Global Compost Project
Using compost as opposed to manufactured, nitrogen based fertilizer helps plants absorb more carbon out of the atmosphere and back into the soil through the use of photosynthesis. If enough people use compost, we can start reversing that global warming problem we...
Why? short film about climate change
Synopsis: In only a century a large number of species have gone extinct and the planet is heating up. Without our seas and oceans, global warming would be even worse. We are lucky to have seas and oceans. But, have we killed them? What kind of legacy will we be...
Building soil: Compost
This video shows how I attempt to build soil in my very rocky back yard with a help of compost. After many attempts, as well as learning from other gardeners, I came up with few recipes that help me to grow healthy and tasty 🙂 fruit and vegetables. Besides your...
My Composting Video Contest Submission
This is the link to my YouTube video on the importance of composting. I submitted this video to the FilmFreeway Composting video contest, and am told my video is a winner. Click here for the link.
Racing to Zero
ABOUT : Racing To Zero is a quick-moving, upbeat documentary presenting new solutions to the global problem of waste. By simply substituting the word RESOURCE for the word GARBAGE, a culture can be transformed, and a new wealth of industries can emerge. Three years...
Video showing how to reduce the waste of bark, leaves, and vegetables and produce less waste on the planet
Hello, my name is Gustavo, I'm from Brazil São Paulo and produced this video showing how to reduce the waste of bark, leaves, vegetables and vegetables and produce less waste on the planet Horta com material reciclável GARRAFA PET e adubo caseiro, bem simples...
Dica de Adubo caseiro com as sobras das cascas da vitamina matinal
Depois de algumas pessoas ficarem em duvida sobre oque usar no adubo caseiro nesse outro vídeo mostro ingredientes da vitamina matinal e o resto desses ingredientes compõem a receita do adubo caseiro para usar em minha horta da varanda do apartamento. A receita da...
Government & Policy
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