SPECTRUM NEWS 1 – Environmental nonprofit uses hair mats to mitigate impacts of oil spills
SAN FRANCISCO — There are several ways to remove oil from the ocean after an oil spill like the one in Orange County, and one of those methods includes using leftover locks and pet fur. CONTINUE READING... Spectrum News 1, Oct 16th, 2021 ...
REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL – When Oil Spills Strike, Call in the Hair Force
Reasons to be Cheerful, August 16th, 2021
VOGUE – How Hair Salons Are Mobilizing to Help Clean Up the Mauritius Oil Spill
Vogue Magazine, August 13th, 2020
LCI International News – Île Maurice : grande collecte de cheveux pour tenter de repousser la marée noire
LCI International News, August 11th, 2020. To fight against the oil spill that threatens Mauritius, several organizations are asking for hair to make oil-soaking booms. Read the full article here:...
LRYTAS – Jūsų plaukai gali išgelbėti pasaulį
Sruogos, kurios krenta ant žemės jus kerpant, gali padėti gelbėjant pasaulį. Skamba keistai ir neįtikėtinai, tačiau tai yra tiesa – mat žmonių plaukais yra valoma nafta vandens telkiniuose išsiliejusi nafta. CONTINUE READING... Lrytas, Jun 23rd, 2020 ...
HJI – Hair Recycling Scheme – Recycle your Hair to Save The Planet
WASHINGTON POST – Contact lenses, corks and Christmas lights can all be recycled – here’s how
CONTINUE READING... Washington Post, Jun 24th, 2019
MENTAL FLOSS – 6 Creative Recycling Efforts From Around the Globe
Mental Floss, April 22nd, 2019
HUFFINGTON POST – Human Hair Extensions Are Being Matted Together To Clean Up Oil Spills
It’s an unlikely ending for something as glamorous as hair extensions or as mundane as the clippings from a hairdresser’s floor, but tonnes of human hair are being swept up and knitted together to soak up oil spills from our oceans. CONTINUE READING... ...
CORE77 – Brilliant Materials Insight: Human Hair Can be Used to Clean Up Oil Spills
Here's a perfect example of analyzing a material's properties, then exploiting them to solve a problem. In 1989 an Alabama man named Phil McCrory was watching footage of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on television. The sad footage showed an otter drenched in oil--and...