Made Out of WHAT: Earth Every Day
In this 2022 Earth Day issue, you will be inspired and activated by a selection of fellow individuals intrepidly devoting their genius and energies to bringing forward practical solutions to heal the planet despite daunting odds. May their example inspire all of us to...
60 SECONDS – Human Hair for Oil Spills
60 Seconds, April, 2022
MARKET WATCH – This shaving cream company’s cheeky campaign urges people to donate their pubic hair to save the planet
Eos is helping customers turn their personal grooming into donations for Matter of Trust, a renewable resource nonoprofit that specializes in repurposing discarded hair CONTINUE READING... Market Watch, Mar 10th, 2022 ...
BUSINESS INSIDER – Human Hair Mats Clean Oil Spills
Business Insider, February 23rd, 2022
LIPUTAN6 – Ketika Rambut Donasi Didaur Ulang Jadi Keset Ramah Lingkungan, Jakarta - Limbah rambut ternyata dapat diolah kembali jadi barang berguna. Salah satu pemanfaatannya dilakukan melalui program 'The Hair Matters' yang diinisiasi Matter of Trust sejak 2000. CONTINUE READING... Liputan6, Feb 18th, 2022...
NOW THIS – Recycling Human Hair to Soak Up Oil Spills
Now This, February 15th, 2022
HORNIMAN MUSEUM – Giving Hair a Second Life
Horniman Museum and Gardens, February 10th, 2022
THE CUT – Can We Recycle Hair, Too?
The Cut, January 6th, 2022
LA REPUBLICA – Cómo una isla tropical contrarrestó un derrame de petróleo con pelo humano
Isla Mauricio resolvió una emergencia nacional en 2020, luego de que se derramaran 1.000 toneladas de crudo en sus aguas, con pelo humano. CONTINUE READING... La Republica, Jan 19th, 2022...
INFOBAE – Cómo se usan los residuos de cabello cortado de las peluquerías para mitigar el daño de los derrames de petróleo
Miles de toneladas de pelo cortado en peluquerías de todo el mundo son arrojadas cada año a vertederos y se suman a la contaminación ambiental. Un peluquero estadounidense ideó la forma de convertir este desecho en un material clave para mitigar los desastres de los...