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Eco-Industrial Hub
2017 – Present Our model eco-factory with exhibit hall and resource center for school field trips, corporate off-sites, tourists, walk-ins and more! This place concentrates on clean air, water, energy, ideal materials and ecologizing industry. Feel free to use our images and credit

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get involved
As a non-profit organization, it is so important that we have the support of volunteers. Without you, we wouldn’t be what we are today. Please answer these few questions so we can get a better idea on how we can best organize your precious time.
Apprenticeships are designed to develop a particular skill set that makes an individual excel in craftsmanship and green collar employment. Matter of Trust is affiliated with a wide range of schools and specialized environmental businesses.
Sponsor us
When we see that our programs can create sustainable green businesses and green-collar jobs, we accept corporate sponsorships from our collaborators to get things rolling. Please check our sponsorship opportunities and contact us.
We believe strongly that, “When you give, you get back tenfold.” There are many ways to give like donating hair, fur, and fiber or donating stuff that you don’t need. Learn more about all the giving options available: money, stuff & others.