Government & Policy

Tools & Resources

U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2013

U.S. ENERGY-RELATED CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS INCREASED 2.5% IN 2013 Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) increased from 5,267 million metric tons (MMmt) in 2012 to 5,396 MMmt in 2013 (2.5%). The 2013 increase was largely the result of colder weather leading...

California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Program

Overview The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) requires that the California Air Resources Board (ARB) determine the statewide 1990 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission level and approve a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit, equal to the 1990 level, to be...

Community Food Projects (CFP) Competitive Grant Program

In FY 2016 NIFA's CFP intends to solicit applications and fund three types of grants. The types are entitled (1) Community Food Projects (CFP), (2) Planning Projects (PP) and (3) Training and Technical Assistance (T & TA) Projects. The primary goals of the CFP...

Sea Turtle with Straw up its Nostril – "NO" TO PLASTIC STRAWS

*****WARNING: inappropiate/ strong language!****** If you would like to support our research for the next three years, please think about donating to our GoFundMe Campaign This video shows why plastic trash is detrimental to marine life...

Ecuador's Rights of Nature

In Ecuador, they have a different perspective. In 2008, Ecuadoreans rewrote their constitution and became the first country to recognize the rights of nature to defend itself against humankind. The constitution recognized nature’s right to “exist, persist, maintain...

California is providing incentives for ranchers

California is providing incentives for ranchers

Recently we wrote that carbon emissions can be significantly reduced through the widespread application of compost, and now California is providing incentives for ranchers to do it. They can get tradable greenhouse gas emission reduction credits, bringing them another...

Improving the Air We Breathe

The Salt Lake Valley, long recognized for its spectacular mountain views and abundant outdoor activities, has in recent years earned a negative reputation for its air quality problems. During winter months, the valleys of Northern Utah consistently rank among the...

Air Quality Trends

Air Quality Trends EPA creates air quality trends using measurements from monitors located across the country. The table below show that air quality based on concentrations of the common pollutants has improved nationally since 1980. (See the trends graphs...

France is making it illegal for supermarkets to throw away edible food

The law, as written, is one of the most stringent attempts to cut the amount of edible but unbecoming produce tossed out every day. As of July 2016, large supermarkets in France — those approximately 4,300 square feet and larger — will face fines of up to $82,000 for...

The White House says "We Can Reverse Climate Change"

On July 31, 2014 the White House and USDA hosted a meeting with food, agriculture and data industry officials in an attempt to encourage innovation to stem the effects of climate change on agriculture and food production...find out how soil can help actually REVERSE...

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