A hairdresser makes use of her customers’ cut hair to make special mats to help clean the coast and sea in event of oil spills in her native country Wales. Human hair is a natural oil absorber. CONTINUE READING… DW, Dec 1st, 2022...
The Weather Channel News Clip hosted on Vimeo. Facts are Facts – Oil Spills on the Decline – Cleaning Up With Human Hair. CONTINUE READING… The Weather Channel, Sep 2nd, 2022...
En España hay decenas de miles de peluquerías que al terminar el día acaban con bolsas repletas de cabello. Llevamos tanto tiempo viéndolo pulular por sus suelos, en los recogederos, rodeado de polvo, que lo asociamos automáticamente con basura; pero… ¿Y si esos...
Usually our hair is thrown away after it’s cut. But a hairdresser in Wales has been using her customers’ hair to make special mats, which are used to help the planet. CONTINUE READING… BBC – Using Human Hair to Fight Oil Spills July 8th,...
For 24 years, environmentalist Lisa Craig Gautier and her husband Patrice Oliver Gautier, co-founders of the nonprofit Matter of Trust, have focused on living sustainable lives. Almost three years ago, the couple extended their reach by opening the doors to their...