Now that’s thinking with your head. Salons all over the country are collecting hair clippings and sending them down south to use in oil booms that protect the Gulf Coast. Some 400,000 pounds of human hair and animal fur collected by charity groups will be...
Now that’s thinking with your head. Salons all over the country are collecting hair clippings and sending them down south to use in oil booms that protect the Gulf Coast. Some 400,000 pounds of human hair and animal fur collected by charity groups will be...
One innovative nonprofit has an oddly stylish solution to help with the spreading oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico: using an unlikely pairing to clean it up—hair and hosiery! Since 1998, Matter of Trust has been collecting donations of oil-absorbing human hair and...
LINDEN, Michigan — When residents get their hair cut at Serendipity Day Spa this month, their scraps of hair will be traveling a lot farther than the trash can. The salon is sending customers’ hair trimmings to the Gulf of Mexico to help clean up a massive oil spill...
A local salon is turning trash into treasure. The Walter-Todd Salon in North Park accumulates a pound of hair a day. These typically trashed clippings are now finding a new life, serving as mini-warriors in the fight against oil spill in the Gulf. “You know, I felt...