In times of disaster we feel impotent before such massive destruction. But here are some things you can do if you feel like getting involved in helping with the oil spill. 1. Report injured wildlife and oiled beaches: * To report oiled wildlife, call 1-866-557-1401....
A magnificent bird is the pelican His beak can hold more than his belly can He holds in his beak enough food for a week and I don’t know how in the hell ‘e can. My grandfather used to recite that poem to us nearly every time we saw one plunge into the...
Santa Barbara’s Salon Patine, located on upper State Street, has taken an inventive, practical approach to cleaning the Gulf of Mexico of the oil that now permeates it. In collaboration with Pureology Serious Color Care, which is also making a conscious effort to help...
While BP looks for a way to cap the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, people here are looking for ways to help with the clean up effort. Human hair is no longer being dropped in the water as a way to soak up the oil, but it is needed along the coastline. News Now...
The U.S. Coast Guard doesn’t want your hair floating in the Gulf, and neither does BP. But if you care about warding off oil from South Florida’s coastline, Christine Guyard needs your help. “I feel like we have to be proactive,” says the Palm...
Frank Paganis of Pagani Hair Color & Design and Anthony Lullo of Anthony Lullo’s Hair Design have come up with a new use for their leftover hair clippings: absorbing oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Through a trade publication, Paganis and Lullo, who are business...