Local Hair Aiding Gulf Cleanup – July 2010

RANDOLPH – When Jan Carlson bought her father’s former auto garage in downtown Randolph three years ago to turn it into a beauty salon, she faced some problems. View the full article here.

Pelo… ¡hasta en la sopa! – July 2010

“Quiero tener una cabeza llena de pelo, una hermosa cabellera, brillante, reluciente, ondeante, dorada, maleable. Que me llegue hasta los hombros o más abajo. ¡Pelo, pelo, pelo por todas partes!” Así reza la canción titular del musical de los años 60,...

WBHM (AL) MAY 2010

Listen to the segment title, “Oil Spills and Hair Sausages” featured on WBHM (AL) during May of 2010 here.

Experts Turn to Alternative Methods of Cleaning Gulf – June 2010

As oil continues to leak into the Gulf of Mexico, industry insiders and outsiders alike are finding ways to help clean up the spill with unusual ideas and products. From granules that can soak up ten times their weight in oil, to hair and fur trimmings, various...