As we have learned in the past, human hair can be recycled and used to make many creative things such as art and even clothes, but did you know it could also be used to clean up oil spills? It’s true. CONTINUE READING… Inventor Spot, 20xx ...
Trong năm 2021, Cục Quản lý Khí quyển và Đại dương Quốc gia Mỹ (NOAA) ghi nhận 175 sự cố tràn dầu trên biển và đất liền ở Mỹ. CONTINUE READING… NLD, Jan 23rd, 2023...
Okazuje się, że kilogram włosów może wchłonąć pięć kilogramów oleju. Fakt ten postanowiła wykorzystać firma Matter of Trust, która produkuje maty z włosów. W ten sposób chce pomóc posprzątać światowe odpady. CONTINUE READING… Business Insider, Jan 12th,...
Hairy problems require hairy solutions: Countries across the globe are using hair to clean up water pollution, from park drains to oil spills CONTINUE READING… Impakter, Dec 31st, 2022 How Hair Cleans Up Oil...
A hairdresser makes use of her customers’ cut hair to make special mats to help clean the coast and sea in event of oil spills in her native country Wales. Human hair is a natural oil absorber. CONTINUE READING… DW, Dec 1st, 2022...
The Weather Channel News Clip hosted on Vimeo. Facts are Facts – Oil Spills on the Decline – Cleaning Up With Human Hair. CONTINUE READING… The Weather Channel, Sep 2nd, 2022...