Green House Gasses (GHG)

There’s a reason we’re so interested in carbon. It didn’t take long after the industrial revolution for scientists to become concerned about pollution from carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide… We’ve created a human race against time....

Composting Is Key to Soil Health and Climate Protection

Washington, DC — Composting reduces waste and builds healthy soil to support local food production and protect against the impacts of extreme weather, from droughts to heavy rainfall. That’s the message of two new reports from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance...

The Carbon Cycle

Nature is always in balance, but humans thrive in a particular range of climates. Right now for humanity and many other living creatures on Earth, there is too much carbon in the air and too little in the soil. We can make smart decisions when we understand the...

Excellent article in the SF Chronicle

Excellent article in the SF Chronicle about the Marin Carbon Project and Global Compost Project co-founders John Wick, Jeff Creque, PhD and Whendee Silver PhD!  Kudos!!!!  Ok let’s get started and help Compost Save the World!...