COMET-Farm is a whole farm and ranch carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system. The tool guides you through describing your farm and ranch management practices including alternative future management scenarios. Once complete, a report is generated comparing...
NRCS Conservation Practices included in COMET-Planner are only those that have been identified as having greenhouse gas mitigation and/or carbon sequestration benefits on farms and ranches. This list of conservation practices is based on the qualitative greenhouse...
SAN FRANCISCO January 6, 2015 – The California Air Pollution Control Officers Association has announced the approval of a new greenhouse gas emission reduction credit protocol that recruits ranchers in the fight against climate change. The new protocol involves...
BACKGROUND Earth’s soil has formed by processes that have maintained a persistent and expansive global soil mantle, one that in turn provided the stage for the evolution of the vast diversity of life on land. The underlying stability of soil systems is controlled by...
Managing soils for multiple economic, societal In view of the growing world population, within two decades global demand for food is projected to increase by 50 per cent, demand for water by 35-60 per cent, and demand for energy by 45 per cent. The world’s soils are...
Authors Emma C. Suddick, UC Davis, Woods Hole Research Center Moffatt K. Ngugi, UC Davis, USAID USDA-FAS Keith Paustian, Colorado State University Johan Six, UC Davis, ETH Zurich Publication Information California Agriculture 67(3):162-171. DOI:...