Environmental Benefits of Fuel-efficient Cars That All Should Know

  In today’s day and age, where there is a scarcity of fossil fuels, increase in pollution, and global warming, we should consider buying cars that are fuel-efficient. By doing so, we can help reduce the damage that is being done on our environment. We are...
Finding Common Ground and Dissolving Echo-Chambers

Finding Common Ground and Dissolving Echo-Chambers

This program is born from Post Election Sessions at Summit at Sea 2016 with Beau Willimon (Creator of House of Cards), Erin Brockovich (brockovich.com) and Lisa Gautier (President of MatterofTrust.org). Everybody wants clean water, great schools and more jobs! We are...

Energy Storage Hits the Rails Out West

  Compared to the mechanics of chemical batteries, the idea behind rail storage is simple. During periods of low electricity demand, power is dispatched from the nearby grid to pull a chain of weighted train cars uphill. And there they will sit—losing no power to...

3 solutions Lisa hopes to see the UN promote in Paris!

  1) universal symbols and colors for recycling metals, glass, paper, and all compostable materials. This is not unprecedented we have global symbols for toilets for men and women. And handicapped access. And stop signs. The UN could do this. Removing all...