Christopher Bligh of Birkenhead couldn’t believe it when the North Shore City Council road marking contractors didn’t bother sweeping the leaves out of the way when they redid the yellow lines outside his house (pictured). Todd off Nightline’s...
A Tibetan terrier named Misty is groomed by Kirsten Krause at the End of the Leash in Mukwonago. The hair from about 60 dogs groomed at the pet store during the past week will be donated so it can be used in material being made to absorb some of the oil gushing into...
Colored, crimped or coifed, it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s clean and absorbent. Several Marin salons have begun collecting customers’ hair for shipment to the Gulf of Mexico, where volunteers are gathering hair collected across the country to...
Salões de cabeleireiro e fazendeiros do mundo inteiro estão recolhendo cabelo e pelos de animais para auxiliar a operação de limpeza do petróleo que, há vários dias, vaza de um poço danificado no Golfo do México. A ideia é que o cabelo, colocado dentro de meias de...
The Pink Dog Parlor, located at 629 Plank Road in Clifton Park, wants to donate your dog’s hair to help soak up the oil spill along the Gulf coast. Owner Michelle Kennedy said the doggie salon has begun saving all the hair from your pets, which will be shipped to oil...