
Organic Authority – Dogs Donate Fur for Oil Spill

Dogs around the world are giving the hair off their backs to help clean up one of the worst oil spills in history. Groomers have gathered the hair trimmings from their doggie salon floors, as individuals collect the fur that their dogs are shedding, all sending it...

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Pelo… ¡hasta en la sopa! – July 2010

"Quiero tener una cabeza llena de pelo, una hermosa cabellera, brillante, reluciente, ondeante, dorada, maleable. Que me llegue hasta los hombros o más abajo. ¡Pelo, pelo, pelo por todas partes!" Así reza la canción titular del musical de los años 60, "Hair" (Melena),...

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Hair today, oil cleanup tomorrow – June 2010

Frank Paganis of Pagani Hair Color & Design and Anthony Lullo of Anthony Lullo's Hair Design have come up with a new use for their leftover hair clippings: absorbing oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Through a trade publication, Paganis and Lullo, who are business...

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A hairy situation – June 2010

Hair donation is hardly a new concept. Organizations such as Locks of Love and Pantene Beautiful Lengths, which provide wigs to children and women who have lost their hair because of cancer treatments, have long been popular charities for those seeking an altruistic...

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