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Scots transport giant hopes to avoid a stink with 'poo bus.'
03/15/2015 A SCOTS transport operator is to introduce a bus which runs on human and household waste, goes into regular service later this month. Powered by biomethane gas, the Bio-Bus, which has been dubbed the 'poo bus' will use waste from more than 32,000 households...
Konecranes Eyes Middle East Waste to Energy Expansion
by Ben Messenger - 10/27/2016 Finnish lifting equipment specialist, Konecranes, has introduced a range of lifting and material handling technologies specifically designed for waste to-energy and biomass applications in the Middle East. According to the company the...
Can Major US Cities Reach 'Zero Waste' Without Waste-to-Energy?
by Cole Rosengren - 10/26/16 Even if a city can reach a "zero waste-to-landfill" goal, there will always be some waste left. Depending on whom you talk to, waste-to-energy facilities are either a part of that problem or a solution to it. Despite ongoing growth in Asia...
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