It’s All About the Sorting
Tools & Resources
Guide to Apartment and Condo Composting
Composting is a popular green technique that gardeners use to enrich the soil of their flowers and vegetable gardens. Because it contains banana peels, eggshells, and other types of garbage, it is often done outdoors in one's yard. This can be a problem for people who...
Home Composting Guide – Enriching Soil and Local Environmental Health
More people are composting today, both for the environment and their own benefit. However, even if the neighbors are doing it, starting out with composting can still seem daunting at first. How do we turn leftovers into nutrient rich soil? What method is the best for...
QUIZ: Recycle, compost or trash?
Recycling companies are facing a big challenge -- while helping sustainability efforts, they’re losing money. One of the big problems is there is too much trash in the pile contaminating what could be good, reusable material. It makes it tougher for workers to sort it...
U.S. 2030FLW Reduction Goal: A Call to Action by Stakeholders
On September 16, 2015, USDA and EPA announced the first national goal to reduce food loss and waste by 50 percent by the year 2030. As one of the first steps, the federal government supported the 2015 Food Recovery Summit in Charleston, SC. This national meeting...
How ‘Ugly’ Fruits and Vegetables Can Help Solve World Hunger
About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste, often because of its looks. That’s enough to feed two billion people. Every year some six billion pounds of U.S. fruits and vegetables go unharvested or unsold, often for aesthetic reasons. By Elizabeth Royte...
Assembly Bill No. 1045 CHAPTER 596 Organic Waste : Composting
Assembly Bill No. 1045 CHAPTER 596 An act to add and repeal Sections 42649.87 and 43032 to the Public Resources Code, relating to solid waste. [ Approved by Governor October 08, 2015. Filed with Secretary of State October 08, 2015. ] ...
DIY Compost, Recycle, & Landfill signs
Click here for sign maker access Need to design your own custom compost/ recycle/ landfill posters? The SF environment website has a place to help you make different recycling systems easier by allowing you to customize each poster based on your availability of...
Composting Yard Trimmings and Municipal Solid Waste
Compost leaders discuss whether plastics are worth the headache
By Jared Paben, Resource Recycling October 13, 2015 Allowing compostable plastic bags in a food scraps collection program can address the "yuck factor" and bring in more material, but be ready to sort them out, experts said. "There's a trade-off," said Jack Macy of...
Why Doesn't Santa Cruz Recycle?
Food waste is collected in more than 100 American communities. When will Santa Cruz County get on board? There they stand, proffering fistfuls of carrot peels, zucchini tops and kale stems, scanning the kitchen in bewilderment. “Where’s the compost bin?” Any Santa...
San Francisco Zero Waste Policies & Programs
Food Shift's Alameda Kitchen
The Alameda Kitchen will transform fruits and vegetables that would otherwise be wasted into nutritious, affordable food products and meals for low-income populations. Food Shift works collaboratively with communities, businesses and governments to develop sustainable...
Government & Policy
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