Compost & Food
Promoting the use of compost

Why this matters?
Our goal here is to promote food security and to divert waste into resources. Surplus edible items and ingredients can be sorted and distributed to those in need. Compostable materials can be separated from recyclables in order to reduce landfill off-gassing and to produce carbon rich soil.
SONOMA Food Runners
Matter of Trust is proud to be the fiscal sponsor for SONOMA Food Runners, which relays food throughout Sonoma County. This enables them to focus on building their organizational capacity before fully establishing their own non-profit status.

Heart of the City Farmers Market
Matter of Trust is the fiscal sponsor of Heart of the City Farmers Market (HCFM). Grants help to keep stall fees 50% lower than neighboring markets which in turn reduces food prices and makes it affordable for low-income customers.
The Global Compost Project
We’re committed to promoting natural abundance and composting. We’ve teamed up with experts including scientists, NGOs and agriculture specialists from around the world to share information on a platform to make it easy and commonplace.

Silver Lab Composting Research
The Silver Lab is working to minimize emissions from agriculture and the waste stream by determining the carbon and greenhouse gas dynamics of composting urban and agricultural waste and studying the carbon sequestration potential of applying compost to grassland and cropland.
Presidio Trust: Hair Mat Trials in Grasslands Restoration
The use of mulching materials for restoration can be important for increasing success of seeding and transplanting, but retaining soil moisture, protecting seeds, and providing additional nutrients. The opportunity to try a new mulch material- hair mats – is exciting for Presidio grassland restoration. A rigorous experiment is necessary for establishing the effectiveness of the new mulching material.