Government & Policy
Tools & Resources
Racing to Zero
ABOUT : Racing To Zero is a quick-moving, upbeat documentary presenting new solutions to the global problem of waste. By simply substituting the word RESOURCE for the word GARBAGE, a culture can be transformed, and a new wealth of industries can emerge. Three years...
Compost leaders discuss whether plastics are worth the headache
By Jared Paben, Resource Recycling October 13, 2015 Allowing compostable plastic bags in a food scraps collection program can address the "yuck factor" and bring in more material, but be ready to sort them out, experts said. "There's a trade-off," said Jack Macy of...
San Francisco’s Food Composting Program
Why Doesn't Santa Cruz Recycle?
Food waste is collected in more than 100 American communities. When will Santa Cruz County get on board? There they stand, proffering fistfuls of carrot peels, zucchini tops and kale stems, scanning the kitchen in bewilderment. “Where’s the compost bin?” Any Santa...
San Francisco Zero Waste Policies & Programs
The Potential Contribution of Waste Management to a Low Carbon Economy
Take a look at the whole report Here
The contribution of biowaste to tackle climate change: life-cycle benefits and relevance to policy-making
New GHG protocol recruits ranchers in fight against climate change
SAN FRANCISCO January 6, 2015 – The California Air Pollution Control Officers Association has announced the approval of a new greenhouse gas emission reduction credit protocol that recruits ranchers in the fight against climate change. The new protocol involves...
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
What is the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) was called for by the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2000. Initiated in 2001, the objective of the MA was to assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human...
NRCS Air Quality and Atmospheric Change
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service helps private landowners conserve our natural resources, and air resources are among those. Our Air Quality resource concerns can be broadly classified into four air quality and atmospheric change issues:...
Ways to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions
There are three primary methods for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: employing energy efficiency and conservation practices; using carbon-free or reduced-carbon energy resources; and capturing and storing carbon either from fossil fuels or from...
FAO and France urge including agriculture in global climate change debate
Dear C-AGG Participants and Stakeholders - FAO and France urge including agriculture in global climate change debate MORE TARGETED POLICIES AND INVESTMENTS NEEDED TO ADAPT AGRICULTURE TO THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE FAo Director-General José Graziano da Silva and...
Government & Policy
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