In 2023, we reached our 25th Anniversary and patted ourselves on the back for a chunk of met goals for the charity. At MofT, we love a list and a long-term plan. Therefore, we decided to sit down with the knowledge we have accrued, the experts we have met and the hopes we have heard from youth and the young at heart.  With 2024 devoted to completing a comprehensive Strategic and Implementation Plan for Matter of Trust and our Worthy, Actionable List of Projects for 2025-2050 (aka The WALOP).


First we begin the process of simply listing every major environmental and social challenge to life on Earth that we can find.  A total exercise in doom porn, only recommended for those who are energized by a savior complex.  See our list of Modes & Complexes that we think we (all) have 🙂 and how we think they help us!


Next, we start piling, peg-holing, cross-referencing what we can with plenty of room for outliers.  This is our speciality.  We love doing this!


Why this matters?

Fiber is amazing.  It has taken eons for nature to create this wonderful, useful structure.  Hair is a renewable resource is growing in front of our eyes and we should use it everywhere we can.  It can soak up oil spills, remediate soils, prevent coastal erosion help with restoration, seagrass / kelp forest regeneration and much more!

What can I do?

Get Involved

We are always evolving and welcome new ideas, partners, contributions and emails. We have a very optimistic view of the future and love meeting others who are very fond of this lovely planet!


We strongly believe that,

“When you give, you get back tenfold.”

Now, that’s a great exchange rate!

The Hum Sum

Join our Global Community

Our Eco-Social Media Platform!

Our planet is buzzing with activity and good ideas.
This site is dedicated to everyone who is tuning in and adding what humanity can do for a harmonious future!