BBC – Using Human Hair to Fight Oil Spills

Usually our hair is thrown away after it’s cut. But a hairdresser in Wales has been using her customers’ hair to make special mats, which are used to help the planet. CONTINUE READING…   BBC – Using Human Hair to Fight Oil Spills July 8th,...

COYOTE NETWORK NEWS – Renewable Ingenuity

FEBRUARY 1, 2018 Caroline welcomes Lisa Gautier, as we animate the Rising Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity, we concentrate on what we do want: the upcoming People’s Climate Summit in San Francisco*, Matter of trust’s hair and fur project for cleaning up diesel oils...


Terra Verde is a segment on KPFA FM that offers a weekly public affairs show that delivers news and views about the most important environmental issues in California and globally. Listen to the March 26, 2016 segment here.