Ah, stuff. We need it, we want it, we love it. Until we hate it, get bored with it, or wear it out (unless you’re a hoarder and you just keep everything). Sure, some of it winds up in the green bin or goes to Goodwill. But chances are, you’re sending a lot...
SHAINA FORSMAN and about 40 other students from Larkspur’s Marin Primary and Middle School got the best of two worlds Monday – helping the environment by getting a haircut. “I’m really glad I can contribute and help out the environment,”...
Why such low-tech solutions as hair mats and mushrooms may be the answer to oil-spill woes You are what you eat—unless you’re an oyster mushroom. In that case, you can indulge in some of the most toxic, noxious petroleum products available and turn them into...
Project to convert oil-soaked hair mats, mushrooms into dirt Preparing the compost bins to begin make the “lasagna” of oily toxic mix. Lisa Gautier, who is leading the charge to use human hair mats to soak up oil from the Bay Area spill, has been invited...
Ocean lovers help clean an oil-covered beach with an eco-friendly fiber that grows on you. When the container ship Cosco Busan struck the Oakland Bay Bridge on Wednesday, November 7, it ripped a gash in its tank and spilled 58,000 gallons of bunker fuel into...