Making a Difference in the Gulf the Paul Mitchell Way – June 2010

As oil continues to gush into the Gulf with no end in sight, a premium has been put on finding sustainable methods of oil absorption. For John Paul DeJoria, the answer is obvious. Three years ago, the co-founder of Paul Mitchell was approached by Phillip McCrory, an...

Cutting hair for a cause – June 2010

“When the spill happened, we dove right in,” said Christina Lynch, salon manager at Dillard’s Salon and Spa at Colonial Mall. The salon has sent out two bags of hair since the spill, and Lynch said they’re busy collecting hair for the next...

‘Hair’ we come to save the day… – June 2010

Wondering what you can do for the oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico? Get your hair cut. Seriously. Catonsville’s Narcissus Salon is collecting hair and working with Matter of Trust to supply the ingredients to make hair mats for the “Hair For Oil Spills”...

Oil Spill: What can you do to help? – June 2010

In times of disaster we feel impotent before such massive destruction. But here are some things you can do if you feel like getting involved in helping with the oil spill. 1. Report injured wildlife and oiled beaches: * To report oiled wildlife, call 1-866-557-1401....

Get the Hair Down There – June 2010

A magnificent bird is the pelican His beak can hold more than his belly can He holds in his beak enough food for a week and I don’t know how in the hell ‘e can. My grandfather used to recite that poem to us nearly every time we saw one plunge into the...