You already know that paper, glass, and plastic goes in the blue bin—but how about pet hair, or old, worn out athletic shoes? Don’t toss these either—they can be recycled. Get the details on nine things you may not have known you could recycle: 1. CFL lightbulbs Bring...
Serving nearly nine years in the Navy taught Fresno native Elizabeth Perez much about the critical link between clean energy and national security. It’s a message she’s been bringing to the San Diego area since 2009 when she launched her own business connecting...
A magnificent bird is the pelican His beak can hold more than his belly can He holds in his beak enough food for a week and I don’t know how in the hell ‘e can. My grandfather used to recite that poem to us nearly every time we saw one plunge into the ocean after a...
I have always been fascinated by random Broadway marketing ideas. Before I started in the industry, I actually thought they were meant to (directly) sell tickets. Now I realize that they are primarily designed to garner publicity, thereby hopefully selling tickets...
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is devastating and causing more and more damage every day. If you’re a wiggy or hairnista like Wendy, you can help with the clean up efforts. Find out how! For more information, and to find out how you can donate your old wigs or...
Dogs around the world are giving the hair off their backs to help clean up one of the worst oil spills in history. Groomers have gathered the hair trimmings from their doggie salon floors, as individuals collect the fur that their dogs are shedding, all sending it...