Have you ever seen the hair cut at the beauty salon and thought “it’s a waste”?In the United States and Canada, 31.5 tons of hair are thrown away from beauty salons every day. Under these circumstances, “Matter of Trust Japan” was...
Volunteers cut donors’ hair during a campaign in Caracas, Venezuela, on Oct. 6. Hundreds of Venezuelans came to get their hair cut, some with their pets, to support an initiative that aims to use human and animal hair to help clean up Lake Maracaibo, which is...
People generate a staggering amount of hair waste—salons in the U.S. and Canada toss out some 31.5 tons a day. But what if that discarded hair didn’t have to be waste? CONTINUE READING… National Geographic, June 28th, 2023...
The Weather Channel News Clip hosted on Vimeo. Facts are Facts – Oil Spills on the Decline – Cleaning Up With Human Hair. CONTINUE READING… The Weather Channel, Jun 26th, 2023...
When you get a haircut, those piles of hair that are left behind on the floor don’t have to go into the trash. Instead, surprisingly, that hair can be used to help stop oil spills and leakage from contaminating the environment. CONTINUE READING… How...