Carbon Cycle

There is a finite amount of carbon on Earth and it cycles. Plants produce leaves and food by pulling CO2 from the air through photosynthesis.  Living creatures eat the plants and other animals that have eaten the plants.  We all breath out and excrete CO2 back into...

The Global Carbon Budget

We can make smart decisions when we understand the basics. For example, carbon mixed with water is carbonic acid (carbonation), so it is important for our oceans that the carbon cycle is in balance.  We don’t want the Pacific to turn into a soft drink!  ...

Carbon Farming

Carbon farming techniques work with nature.  Nature provides a huge work force to help us thrive, when we work intelligently with our resources.  Her air force of bees alone should make humanity pause in wonder.  Not to mention all the other bugs, birds and then of...

Green House Gasses (GHG)

There’s a reason we’re so interested in carbon. It didn’t take long after the industrial revolution for scientists to become concerned about pollution from carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide… We’ve created a human race against time....

Charts and Stats

Measurements are also the best way to know how your green bin contribution is saving the world! When it comes to numbers, Zero is a really great for waste! San Francisco, California is the World Leader in municipal composting.  At over 600 tons per day of compost from...