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Current and past programs and projects

Matter of Trust’s Projects and Programs List

Here you will find a complete list of all of Matter of Trust’s active and ongoing programs, as well as their respective website links to learn more. Past programs can be viewed at the HUMSUM website.
Matter of Trust is proud of all that we’ve continued to accomplish and is looking forward to spreading more optomism and environmental solutions moving forward. Thank you for your interest.

Pictures: eco-Hub, Hair Matters, Eco Home

Long programs list with links directly to each page 
Have a little green line to divide each program up 

Our Hair Matters Programs makes mats out of donated hair fibers and cleans up oil spills.

Our model Eco-Home aims to help renters in urban areas live sustainably and offers open houses throughout the year. 

Our Global Compost Program aims to make composting available and easy to understand for everyone.


Excess Access

  The Excess Access program has morphed into our platform.  HELP US TEST OUR NEW BETA DONATION SYSTEM!  IT IS UP AND RUNNING MATCHING GIFTS, WISHES & MORE! TO DONATE ITEMS & MATERIALS (including hair), please sign up today,...

ECO-CENTER – Grab and Do’s at the Eco-Center – 2013 – 2016

Grab and Do’s is designed for Eco-Center visitors! Here we show several ways we can reuse manmade surplus and renewable resources to create useful items, gifts, works of art, and beautiful wrapping. Thanks to our restaurant partners on Valencia and Mission Streets...