DIY Compost, Recycle, & Landfill signs

Click here for sign maker access Need to design your own custom compost/ recycle/ landfill posters? The SF environment website has a place to help you make different recycling systems easier by allowing you to customize each poster based on your availability of...

Why Doesn't Santa Cruz Recycle?

Food waste is collected in more than 100 American communities. When will Santa Cruz County get on board?   There they stand, proffering fistfuls of carrot peels, zucchini tops and kale stems, scanning the kitchen in bewilderment. “Where’s the compost bin?” Any Santa...

Food Shift's Alameda Kitchen

The Alameda Kitchen will transform fruits and vegetables that would otherwise be wasted into nutritious, affordable food products and meals for low-income populations. Food Shift works collaboratively with communities, businesses and governments to develop sustainable...